Pawn Sacrifice

For my second Action Project in Rapid Prototyping, I worked by myself to create a chess piece from scratch. I chose to create the pawn. My design went fairly quickly from a paper sketch, to clay, to cardboard, and to a digital 3D model. I used ABS (same material as Legos) with the Makerbot Replicator 3D printer. I found it very unique to be able to get to use these kinds of machines and not have to pay thousands of dollars for it. We looked at Riemann Sums and the area under a structure like a bridge. We also looked at different types of plastics, impossible objects, forced perspective, and last but not least 3D printers themselves. I am very happy with how it turned out; it was challenging to see other people doing it a harder way than I had come up with. I think my piece turned out really well. Take a look at what I put together in this Prezi.


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