When Does Self Defence Become Assault?

In my first class for Humanities, called Forbidden Books. The unit we are studying is called Politics. We discussed and read Fahrenheit 451. We studied censorship and why the books were banned. While studying politics we took a FE to a bookstore. The bookstore is called Women and Children first. We went here because of the controversial politics with Feminism. For this AP, we were instructed to make a Socratic dialogue. We then were allowed to choose a partner of our choice. My partner was AA, our dialogue was about “When Does Self Defence Become Assault?” We made a video that showed how we used the Socratic method. The most trouble I had with this Action Project was when we were making the questions. Coming up with Socratic questions was very hard for me. The way I overcame the struggles by reading lots of Socrates and then questioning everything. Overall I thought that the Action Project was pretty cool and inspiring. A Socratic method is a form of collaborative discussion. This is typically used in an argumentative way. The Socratic method can be controversially dangerous because people can question everything. When someone questions everything you’re saying you might change your mind due to pressure. It is important not to be persuaded if you do not want to be and to have your own viewpoints.


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