
Showing posts from January, 2016


For the last unit in my STEAM elective Biomimicry, I learned about the decomposers and how their activities keep the world in motion. For this Action Project, I chose a product and followed it from the start to finish. I redesigned the product with a sustainable process that nature uses, and I came up with my product's life cycle. It is much more closed off and ecofriendly. It reuses and repurposes materials and rethinks processes. I found it very nice to have an idea that was original. I also think it really is something that could sell on the market. The market could actually benefit from this new product.  

Homemade Bike Rack

(PVU, 2016, Jan 15) In my last unit of the STEAM elective, Rapid Prototyping, we learned about safety and tools. For my final Action Project, the class and I were looking at any needs for our school’s new building. On one of our FE’s, we went to the Rebuilding Exchange where I met Bryant Williams who is the Executive Director. He shared some words of wisdom that stood out to me, but the coolest statement he said was, “recycling is not the answer, reusing is the answer.” With that quote in mind, I was able to take pipes and a broom handle that were going to be recycled and used them for my project. I was browsing the internet for some inspiration for my project when I stumbled upon Wirecrafters, a company that makes and sells bike racks. Their website inspired me to build a bike rack. Taking inspiration from Wirecrafters , I decided to build my own bike rack. I came up with an idea for a bike rack but then I decided to go with a much simpler because it's a very tim...