GMO Speech

In my final STEAM course for my freshman year, we are learning about GMOs and if they are bad or good for us. We also learned about the mathematics for data calculations. We were instructed to create a debate with both sides of the argument. For the project we researched our side. I chose the side GMOs is bad for us. I created a convincing argument, and collected data to support my claims. I had added a graph that showed the corn yields of NON-GMOs vs. GMOs years in the U.S. I really liked how I wrote my argument, it was super convincing and it also had lots of facts. The one thing that I could have done better was being able to read my argument better. There was a 16.3% increase between the GMO years and NON-GMOs years. The calculations were, 139.2-161.9/139.2=16.3%. I was really happy with everything and I hope people stop using GMOs. Take a look at my video, graph, and argument. GMO Debate: PVU Argues Against GMOs from GCE Lab School on Vimeo . (PVU, Graph, May 25,...