Prepare To Be Blown Away By This M.A.G.I.C. Plan

In my second elective term for my class M.A.G.I.C., we studied who inspires us and who/what motivates us. M.A.G.I.C. stands for “Mentoring Achievement of Goals and Inspiring Champions.” We studied all kinds of different people who are our mentors or inspiration. I chose Garry Kasparov as my mentor and inspiration, I chose this due to how successful he is not just in chess but in life. Kasparov is a world-class chess player and a political activist. In 2006, he had started the Russian Opposition. The Russian Opposition is a group of various political parties, movements, and groups of citizens, who oppose the policies of Vladimir Putin. Kasparov advocated and spoke out against Putin, and as a result, he was almost killed several times. I also chose a mentor in my personal life that helped me and inspired me. I chose my teammate from fencing Cameron Woods. He inspired me and drove me to success. Although I am not perfect, he taught me to be the best I cou...