Dear Petruchio, I want to let you know...

For this Unit, Shrew, in our last Humanities class Drama, we had focused heavily on gender equality. We had read the play “The Taming of the Shrew” by Shakespeare and had studied the play. The play showed us how marriage back then vs. now is represented. For our first AP, we were instructed to write our own sonnet in the style of Shakespeare. We had to play a role from one of Shakespeare's plays and address a problem. I decided to write my sonnet to Petruchio who is a character from the “Taming of the Shrew.” I had chosen him due to his hostility and equality issues. He was very abusive and rude. He had no idea what gender equality was and he was very disrespectful towards women. I really struggled with writing my sonnet. I have a very hard time writing plays or scripts, but with the help of friends and music, I was able to overcome this problem and come up with a creative sonnet. I think it shows the gender equality back then vs. now and the resemblance is still unfortunately similar.

Petruchio, Kate is very unapt!
If you are human, then why treat them vex?
Famine, shall never make one masculine.
Making thee a bandit and a coward.

"Nay, I will win my wager better yet."
This is an an example of failure.
If we're human, then why treat thou and fret.
Love is a feeling, but for you it’s not.

Why shall thee treat women like they are slaves.
Thee is not a king, but only a spouse.
Kate shall never obey thee until waves.
But now make her own conscious decisions.

Treat someone like you want to be treated
Now thee have knowledge do what's right and vail.


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