Twenty Seventeen Cafe De Romans

In our Humanities class, Drama, this unit we read the play “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen. We had discussed the impact of women during that time period, and what we have now. We had made a project on feminism in Norway in the 1870’s. We rewatched a couple of scenes from the movie. For this Action Project, we were instructed to create a dramatic dialogue to address the question “Should and men and women have different roles in society?” As I state below, I believe women and men should have equal roles in society. We would answer this by placing ourselves into their shoes and creating a play. We would use one of the main characters from A Doll’s House. Nora, Paul, and Michelle Obama. We chose Michelle because of the extraordinary things she's done. We also chose her because of her voice of feminism. I worked with AA and MJF. Thanks for watching! Enjoy!

I think men and women should have equal roles in society. It doesn’t matter the gender because we are all human. I think it’s wrong that we have different gender roles. We take for granted that women do a lot of raising kids. Women have a stereotype that they are subjected to household chores. I think women and men should be equal. In my opinion, men have too much power in our world. Although, we have gotten better with gender equality we still aren’t one hundred percent equal. Overall I think we still have long ways to go, but we are making process with equality.


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